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Car Wash in Bristol

Not only will our car wash save you time and effort, it could also protect your paintwork more than handwashing. Our SoftCare Pro car wash from WashTec is equipped with SofTecs® - these particulary soft, foam polyethylene brushes cleans even the most sensitive paints without leaving the slightest mark.

Washing new cars - looking new stays looking new.

New paint is no problem. With new cars, maintaining the shine is particularly important. SofTecs® wash materials keep the paint shining permanently. Many car manufacturers are convinced of this and have been using SofTecs® successfully for years.

Dark colours - brilliant shine.

Conventional PE brush materials leave fine brush marks on the paintwork. These form a slight grey shimmer. But with SofTecs® that's a thing of the past. The paint keeps its shine even after numerous washes as the material leaves no trace.

Scientifically proven

SofTecs® leaves no brush marks, even after 300 washes. This has been scientifically proven.

Staying ahead

With SofTecs®, you actively help maintain the value of your vehicle. Because the right care considerably increases the resale value of the vehicle.

Gentle power

An additional high-pressure prewash rinses even stubborn dirt particles from dirty vehicles under gentle pressure.